

Each year Saint Mary's College of California's 校友 Association honors deserving Gaels and friends by bestowing awards for outstanding service to the SMC community. 祝贺2020年的获奖者和获奖者!



Matthew Dellavedova is an Australian professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National 篮球 Association. Following four years at Saint Mary’s College, Matthew graduated with a degree in Psychology in 2013. 在他的圣玛丽生涯中, 在他大一的时候,盖尔队三次进入NCAA锦标赛, 一路打进16强. 他在大学生涯结束时是十大正规网赌平台的历史得分领袖, 次助攻, 比赛, 罚球命中率, 三分命中,2012年WCC年度最佳球员. 圣玛丽退休了. 2014年,他在4号球衣上退役,当时,他是该项目历史上第二位退役的球员. 

After going undrafted in 2013, Matthew joined the Cleveland Cavaliers for the NBA Summer League. A strong showing in the Summer League and then at the Cavs training camp earned him a place on their roster. Matthew continued his success in the NBA ending the 2015-16 season as an NBA Champion with the Cleveland Cavaliers. Dellavedova was acquired by the Milwaukee Bucks in 2016 where he played for two-plus seasons before a mid-season trade took him back to the Cleveland.

He is a member of the Australian National Team, representing the Boomers in 2009 and 2011–14. This included the 2012 London Olympics and most recently he was a key member of the team at the World Cup in Spain and member of the 2016 Rio Olympic basketball team.

虽然他的大部分荣誉都可以在球场上看到, 马修·德拉维多瓦在场外的表现才是最耀眼的. 2017年在雄鹿的时候, 德拉维多瓦开始了“戴利的鹿”阅读计划, which seeks to increase student interest in reading with middle and elementary school youth. 通过这个项目, he and his wife Anna ’13 provided vision screening and reading glasses to children in need.

现在回到克利夫兰, they continued the program and in 2019 through their Vision Day hosted 150 kids at University Settlement, 一个帮助家庭克服贫困的组织. 每个参与的孩子都得到了一次免费的视力检查, 如果确定他们需要眼镜, 他们能够在现场与医生会面,以确定他们的处方. 教育是马修和安娜关注的一个重要领域, 他们继续在克利夫兰地区开展扫盲和视力方面的社区推广活动, 知道阅读的一个重要部分是能够正确地看到. 

2019年9月,马修出版了他的第一本儿童读物, 大胆的举动#1:团队选拔, where young readers can follow alongside a young version of Delly as he takes on the challenges, 冒险, 以及为家乡球队玛丽堡开拓者队打球的乐趣. 

超越马修斯的识字和视觉工作, 他参加了阿克伦儿童医院的“纪念舞会”活动, and spends time in the off-season with youth hoops clinic in both Australia and the states.

He has also partnered with his fellow Australian NBA players to fundraise for the fire relief effort to combat the fires currently ravaging Australia. 



Mary Ann 戈麦斯Orta MBA ’02 has been leading the Congressional Hispanic 领导 Institute (CHLI) since 2011. 非营利组织, 由国会议员创立, 培养对思想多样性的广泛认识, 遗产, 西班牙裔和葡萄牙裔美国人的兴趣和观点. 她使CHLI的收入翻了一番, created new programs to support the vision of advancing the Hispanic community’s diversity of thought, 并与国会议员合作, 白宫官员, Fortune 500 executives and non-profit leaders to develop a pipeline of tomorrow’s leaders. 戈麦斯Orta, 农场工人的女儿, has served on boards for various organizations that focus on education and support diverse communities. 戈麦斯Orta served on the Board of Directors of the California Affiliate for the American Heart Association, 是墨西哥裔拉丁裔青年领导会议的主席, and now serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility and the Latino Jewish 领导 Council.



Carrie and John Matsuo have dedicated their lives to the Lasallian mission of education and support of underserved communities. John has worked in education since his graduation from Saint Mary’s in 1984 and been a school administrator for more than 20 years in the Bay Area and Hillsboro, 俄勒冈州, 赋予学生和同事同样的权力. 他目前就读于希尔斯伯勒高中, one of two high schools in 俄勒冈州 with more than 50 percent of its students living in poverty, 九年级95%的学生即将毕业, 该州仅有的18所达到这一标准的学校之一. 这12%的增幅是该州最大的. 嘉莉一直是一个社区活动家. 她曾担任家长教师俱乐部主席和SunCreek少年联盟主席, 她在哪里扩大了未被充分代表的青年和家庭的参与, 在比弗顿学区做了十年的特殊教育助理, 现在是比弗顿高中的毕业导师, 为服务不足的学生提供指导,让他们继续朝着文凭的方向前进, 重点是职业探索和大学准备. 他们的热情遗传给了儿子, 现在在希尔斯伯勒高中从事特殊教育工作. 



在她的文章中, 做一个喇沙修士教育者的思考, 苏西·托马斯写道, “以学生为中心意味着满足学生的需求, 鼓励他们在内部和人际关系中成长和发展, 共度时光, 倾听他们, 去了解他们.“苏西·托马斯教授, 博士学位, has taught at Saint Mary’s since 1998 and has lived this principle of Lasallian education. 除了教学, 她指导并影响了数百名学生, 激励他们成为最好的自己. Thomas challenges students to consider the multidimensional aspects involved with supporting the academic, 职业生涯, 以及K-12学生的个人/社会发展,并认识到特权问题, 权力, 以及制度化的压迫,使教育中的不平等得以延续和维持. She presents regularly at school counseling and counselor educator conferences and has various publications in the areas of mentoring, 协作, ”青年, 咨询中的法律和道德问题, 团体咨询, 行动研究, 学校咨询改革. 她被选入哈佛大学.B. 麦克丹尼尔名人堂, 该奖项认可咨询方面的杰出成就, in 2013 and recognized in 2017 as the School Counselor Educator of the Year by the California Association of School Counselors. 



Jessica Binzoni took her undergraduate studies from Saint Mary’s to the University of Notre Dame, 2015年她在哪里获得了法学博士学位. 从法学院毕业后, 杰西卡在芝加哥的国家移民司法中心(NIJC)担任律师. 在NIJC, Jessica represented refugees and asylum seekers both in affirmative administrative proceedings and before the Immigration Court. 2018年,Jessica创立HOPE + FUTURE International, an organization based in Northern Iraq and aimed at advancing hope in conflict zones by em权力ing displaced people to build a brighter future for themselves, 他们的家庭, 以及他们的社区. 她目前担任该组织的执行主任,现居伊拉克北部.




1999年至2017年, 丽莎·阿里帕斯是圣玛丽女子网球的首席教练, leading the Gaels to a tremendous run of success that has netted her five West Coast Conference Coach of the Year awards. 她带领盖尔人队在2010年连续四次参加NCAA锦标赛, 2011, 2012年和2013年, 经过一年的休息, 2015年,她带领他们重返季后赛,获得了一个大席位. The four consecutive NCAA Tournament appearances is a first in Saint Mary's athletics history. 在Alipaz的指导下, the Gaels claimed the program's first ever WCC Championship title in 2010 to earn their first trip to the NCAA Tournament. In 2013, the Gaels finished conference play 7-1 to claim their first WCC Championship regular season title. The Gaels were ranked highly between 2010 and 2015 six-year span, including a program-best No. 2012年排名第20位.




Led by West Coast Conference Defensive Player of the Year Omar Samhan and future WCC Players of the Year Mickey McConnell and Matthew Dellavedova, the 2009-10 men’s basketball team put together arguably the most exciting run in program history when it reached the NCAA Tournament’s Sweet Sixteen. 他们是WCC锦标赛的牌手, 他们以19分的优势击败排名第14的冈萨加队,夺得冠军. 但这只是冰山一角. 盖尔队以第一名的成绩参加了NCAA锦标赛. 10号种子,击败第1号. 7号种子里士满队以80比71获胜,这是他们自1959年以来首次在锦标赛中获胜. 然后他们击败了No. 2号种子维拉诺瓦以75-69晋级第一次进入甜蜜16强. 这支球队以28胜的成绩结束了比赛,创造了当时的纪录,在全国排名第19位.