


Mahatma Gandhi Quote over desert landscape imageThe Center advocates for causes related to its mission, as we are committed to making a real difference in the world.

宣传 for matters of religious liberty, 多样性, and pluralism with civic import requires activities beyond educational initiativeson-campus events奖学金. 我们的倡导活动涉及公共场所的宗教多元化问题.

宣传 Initiatives

An incarcerated man looking out the bars in a window

法律要求惩教机构容纳宗教信仰, 因为囚犯在被监禁的时候不会失去他们的宗教权利. 然而, ad在这里nts of minority religions, and sometimes ad在这里nts of even well-established majority religions, have had a difficulty when they try to exercise those rights. 法律的适用在许多司法管辖区造成了不确定性,在其他司法管辖区造成了阻力. 该中心的监狱宗教项目努力通过提供教育材料来解决这些问题, 一个关于在监狱中容纳宗教多样性的包容性讨论论坛, and giving interviews and speeches.

Watch Mara Willard’s Georgetown Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs interview of Dr. McGraw on the issue.

Learn about the Center's Prison Religion Project.


美国.S. 军队制定保障军人宗教信仰权利的政策. 然而,宗教少数群体的平等待遇问题仍然令人担忧, 由于军队中有一个长期存在的宗教制度体系. 一方面,这一制度确保了只有合格的牧师才能成为军队牧师. On the other hand, 这项政策限制了牧师队伍中可以代表的宗教的范围, 这让军方对不同宗教的需求有了更好的理解. The military is gradually evolving with regard to such concerns.  它甚至开始允许修改制服以适应宗教要求, 例如, a 锡克教 wearing a turban as part of his uniform. The photo is of Dr. 麦格劳在全国军部会议上倡导更加宗教多样化的军事政策.

Yoga pose in front of a sunset

How can businesses do good while doing well?  我们如何才能建立商业教育项目和公司,以解决商业可以为使世界变得更美好做出贡献的方式? It is important that personal spirituality, religious commitments, and values; the values of the organizations in which individuals work or which they create; and public policies promote economic health while also taking into account societal wellbeing. Dr. 麦格劳在瓦拉纳西管理科学学院接受采访时谈到了这些问题, 印度 which can be viewed 在这里.

Advocating for Equitable Treatment of Religions in K-12 Textbooks

在过去的几十年里,K-12教科书已经成为一个公共政策争议的问题. 从历史上看, 教科书涵盖了世界各地的宗教,就好像我们美国人在“向外”看一样, even exotic nations. 今天, 然而, due to more lenient immigration laws since the 1960s, 美国已经成为世界上宗教信仰最多样化的国家之一——你旁边的学生或你的孩子可能是印度教徒, 锡克教, 犹太人, 基督教, 穆斯林或持有任何数量的宗教和非宗教的承诺. 然而,根深蒂固的K-12教科书并没有跟上过去的历史观点.  Dr. 麦格劳主张在K-12教科书中更公平、更准确地对待宗教少数群体. The photo shows Dr. 麦格劳在加州教育委员会关于K-12教科书要求的听证会上作证. 


Religious liberty, on the one hand, and the Affordable Care Act, on the other hand, 是否对要求宗教人士及其机构提供的条款有冲突, or take steps in furtherance of others providing, contraception to employees.  Not only is this a religious liberty issue, 然而; it is also an issue of women’s right to equal treatment under healthcare access law. 看博士. McGraw’s interview on Bay Area CW44 on this issue 在这里.


世界各宗教的智慧能否促成一场关于全球经济政策应服务于何种价值观的更有力的对话? 或许,这样的智慧可以建议采取一些政策,来缓和不受限制的最严重后果, winner-take-all market system. Insights for a better understanding of the individual (Protestantism; Hinduism), the importance of valuing affective relationships (Confucianism), the justice of fair economic distribution (Islam), and the sacredness and interconnectedness of all of Nature, including human beings (Hinduism), 例如, could reorient current assumptions underlying policy prescriptions. 考虑到这些见解可能有助于制定更能满足个人需要的全球经济政策, 家庭, 社区, 社会, 而不是当前全球经济机构所支持的意识形态. The photo is of Dr. McGraw在管理科学学院“超越全球管理危机的精神范式”会议上发表题为“全球视角下的道德经济”的主题演讲," in Varanasi, 印度. 

Advocating for Scholar-Activism

Should scholars also be advocates? 无论一个人的行动是在国家或全球舞台上,还是在对许多人的生活产生深远影响的地方或机构问题上,作为一名十大网赌平台活动家都有回报和挑战. 回报包括让一个人的学术专长得到认可,并在学院之外得到充分利用, 以及让自己的奖学金在一个重要的制度问题上有所作为的满足感, 社会, or public policy concern. 投身于一项事业也包括保持一个人的客观性的挑战, so that the scholar-activist does not become only an activist. Other challenges include the extra workload, which can become overwhelming, 以及失望的期望和不公平的结果所带来的情感损失. 此外,每当一个人表明立场时,总是有成为敌意接受者的风险. The photo is of a panel, including Dr. McGraw, at the Berkley Center on "Being a Scholar—Being an Advocate.“点击 在这里 查看.

Center for Religious Pluralism


芭芭拉一个. 麦格劳,JD., Ph.D.

Professor, Social Ethics, Law, & 公共生活

Director of the Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism
