


2023    玛丽Raygoza, 老师的教育, 亚伦李, 物理 & 天文学

2022    吉姆斐萨文托, 生物学  艾丽西亚RusojaJustice, Community 和 领导

2021    安娜·科文, 人类学

2020    Manisha AnantharamanJustice Community 和 领导

2019     迈克尔·J. 中提琴Justice Community 和 领导

2018     凯特琳鲍威尔, 心理学

2017     Aeleah Soine, 历史

2016     莱利昂, 单一的主题

2015     真纪子导演今村昌平, 沟通

2014     莫妮卡菲茨杰拉德, Justice Community 和 领导

2013     基思•加里森, 生物学

2012     吴贾, 表演艺术

2011     Jyoti Bachani, 业务


The purpose of the Saint Mary’s College Early Career Scholar 和 Service Award is to recognize tenure-track faculty at an early point in their career at Saint Mary’s College who have excelled in the areas of scholarship or creative activity 和 demonstrated exemplary service to the College.

The individual’s scholarly success is evidenced by peer-reviewed publications, other scholarly 和 creative activities, 和/or securing external funds for their research. The distinguished service is evidenced by diligent efforts on College committees 和 various organizations that provide benefits to students 和 faculty.


To be eligible for the Early Career Scholarship 和 Service Award, an individual must:

  1. Have completed two full years at Saint Mary’s College as a full-time faculty member;
  2. Be pre-tenure faculty;
  3. Have completed not more than six full years in a full-time faculty appointment at SMC or another academic institution;
  4. Not have received this award previously.


  • Nominations for this award may come from the faculty, Chairs, 和/or Deans. Self-nominations are also allowed. 
  • A nomination submission describing how the nominee meets the selection criteria  和 an update C.V.


Complete nomination form, which can be found here, by 11.2月29日晚上59点. 


The Director of 教师发展 和 the Committee on 教师发展 和 Scholarship constitute the selection committee based on the criteria listed below. The award recipient will be announced at the Scholar’s Reception on March 15th, 2024.


We encourage nomination letters to include information that will help us contextualize the significance of the c和idate’s achievements in each of these areas. 


  1. Publications in competitive peer-reviewed research journals, exhibits or performances in respected arts venues, 和/or authorship of highly respected scholarly books. This scholarship can include the scholarship of teaching 和 learning, 和 engaged pedagogy work; 和/or
  2. Extraordinary externally peer-reviewed funded grant activity 和 fellowships 和 demonstrated ways in which such awards contribute to the improvement of the research capability 和 recognition of Saint Mary’s College.

Distinguished Service:

  1. Diligent service efforts on behalf of a program/department or on College committees that are elected or appointed, which yield improvements in College programs; 和/ or
  2. Exemplary service in support of organizations including supporting student initiatives 和 student clubs, College outreach efforts, 和/or similar organizations that integrate College efforts to improve the local community 和 region.


Each award recipient will receive a certificate 和 monetary award to be used at the recipient’s discretion. A permanent plaque listing annual award recipients will be on display in the Academic Affairs 图书馆. If there are no suitable c和idates in a given year, the award will be withheld.